14 mar 2022 POMOC UKRAINIE
Educational Association is, in addition to its statutory educational activities, currently
organising and carrying out wide-ranging AID FOR UKRAINE. This aid includes the collection and
transport from Poland to Lviv and surrounding area of urgently needed food, medicinal supplies,
sanitary supplies, clothes etc as well as the evacuation of refugees. Priority is given to orphans,
mothers with children, the elderly and the disabled.
In addition, in response to an urgent need, we have opened up a reception point on the Ukrainian side
of the Polish-Ukrainian border at Korczowa. There our help point serves those waiting, some for many
hours, even days, to cross the border. Volunteers provide the refugees – children, women with young
children and sometimes even new-borns as well as the disabled and elderly – with hot drinks and
meals, blankets, personal hygiene items, medicines and other necessary aid. Those who have
collapsed and are unable to walk any further are transported or carried by our volunteers to the border
We are also organising convoy transport by bus for refugees from Lviv to Poland escorted by the
Ukrainian Police, which is, unfortunately, poorly equipped. With their help, we were able to bring 1400
people, including approx. 250 orphans to reception points on the Polish side of the border in one day
on Saturday 5th March 2022.
We are in constant contact with the Border Guard and Territorial Defence Forces, both of whom also
need support in terms of equipment: this includes torniquets, basic elements of personal defence,
including bullet-proof vests, drones, SHORT-WAVE RADIOS and even 4×4 vehicles.
All of our activities are “non-profit” and are carried out by volunteers and private individuals, who are
freely giving their time to help, either at the reception points or by transporting people or goods in
their own cars, mini-buses and buses.
We urgently need financial support to buy the necessary aid and equipment from various institutions
(town/city councils, the police, territorial defence forces etc) as well as to buy petrol for the vehicles
transporting refugees and aid.
We are very grateful for your generosity.
Stowarzyszenie Edukacyjne INTEGRACJA / Educational
31-954 Kraków
Os. Urocze 14
NIP: 9512096829
REGON: 015640736
KRS: 0000187206
Bank account numbers:
Stowarzyszenie Edukacyjne Integracja
31-954 Kraków, os. Urocze 14
BNP Paribas Bank Polska
88 2030 0045 1110 0000 0405 6710 – PLN
Koniecznie z dopiskiem „pomoc dla Ukrainy”
IBAN number
PL30 1600 1462 1023 3289 6000 0007 – USD
PL14 1600 1462 1023 3289 6000 0004 – EUR
IMPORTANT: Please entitle your gift “Aid for Ukraine”